Saturday, November 3, 2012

Use your words......or at least most of them.

      As most of you all know me  you are very aware of my job... and the type of people I deal with day in and day out. ( this includes you guy's that are my fellow co-workers). Any how today at some point I had a "particular person" sit in my section and managed to entirely criticize everything that was wrong, but failed to explain what was the real problem. At some point I had a great vision, a vision you would see in ..I don't know Lizzy McGuire or something . I wanted to scream at the man and Shout out loud USE YOUR WORDS SIR, then slam his tortillas down on his table and run away and then be free with rainbows and butterflies.....but that was just a cute fantasy , and reality was " Sir what your saying is your food is cold , and you need it re-made. I can do that for you just give us 5 minutes and I'll have it out in a jiffy" Gosh I really wish I could have had that one moment of freedom of slapping a person , and reminding them that sometimes if you could politely talk and , then respond on what you are needing , I could get everything taken care of , and there would be peace in all the land. But as I ranted and raved over how this man talked to me ... then ranted and fired up more over more and more tables, not using the right words or tone for that matter to someone who handles their food.... what a Friday night!
      When I got home tonight, after having a crazy frenzy of energy that I guess like's to appear in and around the end of my 12 hour shift I sat down and opened my Facebook and caught up on the news. Read over some really sad and tragic event's and some event's that are worth rejoicing . I realized something about my whole "terrible" really wan't all that terrible. As  much as I would like to complain about this and that , and all those silly what not's . In reality my small complains about how someone talk's to me or what tone of voice is used, is really something not to get  upset over. Yes; I don't like to be treated like I'm unworthy of your attention. Although let's take something from this experience, some people will give the advice of "just be rude back to them " this will bring you some sort of short term joy. But, what about taking that person's negative output and switching it to something positive. I can't say I do this with every situation , because sometimes it's OK to complain about something , it's in our human right to be able to vent our feelings. Nevertheless taking someone's harsh words or tone and turning them into something for the greater good and perhaps this is something we need to try more in our lives. This doesn't just apply to my job, but an everyday level. I guess what I'm really trying to get here is genuinely trying to be happy no matter what the outcome is maybe the key to personal happiness. As hard as this sounds , maybe this could be done. I guess for now on I'll USE MY WORDS more directly in the positive range so this way someone else could pick up this positive energy and continue to pass it along. Maybe you could do the same, and turn any negative energy into something that is more positive than it was before.  


Thursday, November 1, 2012

What's with the Pickles and Paprika?

     Well this is a very funny and long story, but I'll try to keep it interesting. I'm originally from South Texas and my home town is Laredo Texas , but I live in San Antonio Texas . My father and mother are both from south Texas, and I've grown up here for 23 plus years. I have 3 siblings including myself , my brother Alfonso III his kids Alfonso IV and Zoey and my lovely sister-in-law Laura, my sister Michele and her children Destinee and Eliseo III and my awesome brother-in-law Eliseo Jr, and me the baby:) No literally I am the baby in the family! My brother and me are 14 years apart and my sister and I are 10 years apart. So it's safe to say I was the UHHHHH were pregnant again child. Any how on to my families history cause this is very important!!!!!! My mother (Dolores) is descendant's of German , Italian....and the list continues according to my mother . My father (Alfonso Jr) on the other hand is Hispanic with Spanish , and Mexican-Indian blood. Needless to say I lived on the border of Texas and Mexico those 23 plus years , and of course some odd things always come from people who live borderline with 2 different cultures.
    Now that I have your attention, or maybe not....perhaps you've lost your train of thought and started thinking what does this have to do with the name of your blog???? Ok, so let me really get into the story. The whole concept behind pickles and paprika is that well I literally love Pickles with Paprika, I know weird for some but Delicious for others! :) Haha so there it is a whole family blood line and heritage just to tell you that I love pickles with paprika on them ! But something I always thought was why not pickles and paprika ...try saying that 10 times fast ! 
     In reality I started this blog to see if I could really commit to something , and maybe find some motivation in my own words. Perhaps there is a great metaphor in my thought of pickles and paprika ....or it's just a cute catchy blog name. I don't know yet where I'm going with this , but I know one thing I'm hitting this ground running .... or at least at a faster walking pace . 
Keep reading and always K.C.C.O